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Property Law in Spain

property As a foreigner buying or selling property in Spain, you should understand the documents you sign, and you’ll want your transaction to go smoothly and be fully protected against fraud. Spain’s sunny - and can be laid-back - but there shouldn’t be anything casual about your property investment. It deserves independent professionals, like DOMENECH ABOGADOS, who’ll act exclusively in defence of your interests and aren’t linked to estate agents, banks or other parties in the transaction.  Let the horror stories you read about in the press be other people’s stories.
Warning: The information set out below is a general guideline provided by DOMENECH ABOGADOS. Specific advice should be sought before any action in reliance on it is taken, as explained more fully in this website's legal notice.

plus  How to purchase real property in Spain  

All foreign investors in Spanish property should know that, in order to make a safe investment, a preliminary search in the relevant Land Registry and verification of local planning permissions, if appropriate, is of paramount importance ...

plus  Wise purchasers: 10 basic steps before buying property in Spain  

Buying a property abroad is not like buying a souvenir. Ten basic steps purchasers should take before signing or paying anything are ...

plus  Spanish property mortgages: main things to bear in mind 

Once you’ve found your dream home in Spain and are ready to take the plunge and buy, you may also decide to finance your acquisition by getting a mortgage...

plus Spanish Taxation on the sale of Spanish property by non-resident owners 

A 21% flat rate is presently applicable to capital gains obtained by non-residents on the sale of Spanish real estate...

plus  Spanish property rental tips

Although, strictly speaking, a verbal rental arrangement may be valid, it’s best to confirm all rental terms in writing by using a proper rental contract.  Items the agent/landlord “includes” at the outset may just not materialise...

plus Spanish Real Estate: How to Detect Fraudulent Investment Offers

The UK press is full of dreadful stories of foreign investors trapped in fraudulent Spanish investment schemes. A recent one, affecting over 2,000 foreign ...

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